Sleepy Happy Capy Cuddles

Sleepy Happy Capy Cuddles

Children will love Sleepy Happy Capy Cuddles as they learn about the not-very-talked-about capybara. Capybaras are the world’s largest rodents and are semi-aquatic. They love to snuggle with other animals including crocodiles and other predatorial animals. The adorable illustrations in this book will make children laugh and smile as the capybara convince the animals in the rainforest that cuddling can be for everyone. The turtle worries that his shell is too hard and his skin too thick. The capybara convinces him that cuddles will not de-harden his shell or de-thicken his skin. So the turtle tries out this cuddling that the capybara talks about and ends up “tough and contented.” This makes the capybara happy and he goes on to introduce Sleepy Happy Capy Cuddles to the other animals.

This book is perfect for children ages three to ten as it introduces some new animals such as macaws, iguanas, and of course, the capybara. This book will bring a little more happiness into the lives of its readers as they learn that there are all different ways to cuddle.